Halloween (also spelled Hallowe'en) is an annual holiday celebrated on October 31. Peoples wearing various costumes. Ranging from casual, decorated style of horror, funny, silly style to obscene and pornographic costumes. Halloween was originally done to fool the evil spirits who wander in a way similar costume with this spirit. Traditionally Halloween costumes are those of monsters such as ghosts, skeleton, witches, and devils. They are said to be used to scare off demons. Costumes are also based on themes other than traditional horror, such as those of characters from television shows, movies, and other pop culture costumes icons. But why there is porn costume? Sometimes I'm confused, I think it's not really relevant :)

Sumber-sumber Israel melaporkan, Senin (26/10) bahwa Leah Rabin, istri almarhum mantan Perdana Menteri Israel (Yitzhak Rabin), berkata dalam suratnya, Leah menulis sebelum ia meninggal bahwa Benjamin Netanyahu, adalah seorang pendusta dan pemimpin yang korup. Suratnya, yang ditulis pada bulan November 1998, menyatakan bahwa Netanyahu adalah mimpi buruk yang merusak masyarakat Israel, seperti dilaporkan dalam Maan News Agency.

Israel Ingin Hancurkan Masjid Al-Aqsa

Posted by Dwi Puspita Anggraeni | | , | 2 comments »

Sejak kemarin (25/10) situasi Al Aqsa, Jerusalem kembali memanas. Seperti tak pernah kapok, Israel kembali berulah. Keinginannya untuk meruntuhkan masjid suci Al-Aqsa dan menggantinya dengan kuil mereka tak pernah padam. Pada hari Minggu kemarin, halaman masjid menjadi tempat bentrokan untuk kedua kalinya dalam beberapa pekan terakhir ini, setelah kepolisian Israel menyerbu tempat itu dan menahan 12 jemaah Arab.

Beasiswa Djarum S1

Posted by Dwi Puspita Anggraeni | | | 1 comments »

Melalui program Djarum Bakti Pendidikan, PT Djarum memberikan penawaran beasiswa kuliah bagi mahasiswa S1 tingkat 3 (sudah menyelesaikan 4 semester) dari berbagai perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta di Indonesia yang sudah melakukan kerja sama dengan Djarum.

Beasiswa Djarum - Beswan Djarum
Beasiswa ini diberikan selama dua semester (1 tahun). Pada tahun ajaran 2008/2009 besarnya beasiswa yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa sebesar Rp500,000 per bulan selama satu tahun dan pada tahun ajaran berikutnya 2009/2010 akan ditingkatkan menjadi Rp600,000 per bulan selama setahun. Selain itu mahasiswa juga akan dibekali dengan pelatihan soft skills yang meliputi outbound, leadership training, practical skills dan entrepreneurship.

Info beasiswa S2 untuk jurusan: Master Ekonomi, commerce, international business, manajemen transportasi, International public health, engineering. Pendaftaran akhir tanggal 30 November 2009, perkuliahan dimulai pada Juli 2010.


  1. Termasuk dalam daftar anggota negara berkembang ADB
  2. Menguasai bidang yang dilamar sesuai dengan opsi jurusan pada University of Sydney (lihat daftar jurusan yang ditawarkan).

USB Pregnancy Tester

Posted by Dwi Puspita Anggraeni | | , , | 0 comments »

Maybe in other countries it sounds usual that USB driver can be used as pregnancy tester but not in my county Indonesia. Today (25/10) it get booming just now via blog on internet. How late we are. Still so many Indonesianese that confuse how can be USB port detect whether a woman pregnant or not. In Indonesia it called as "USB: Alat penguji kehamilan". This device works with computer’s USB port, included software installed. Woman can always take a test anytime. Price is $18.

Musim lagi gak menentu, kadang panas, kadang dingin. Sebentar hujan, sebentar kemarau. Minggu-minggu ini apalagi. Kemarin hujan meteor, ada lagi hujan es batu di Liwa Lampung (kata: Kompas). Kejadiannya sore jam tiga-an.

"Pada sepuluh menit pertama, hujan yang turun menyerupai biji-biji es, yang besarnya lebih kurang sebesar biji jagung," kata masyarakat Kota Liwa, Kecamatan Balik Bukit, Lampung Barat, Saprudin, di Liwa, Minggu (25/10).

Bandung, Paris Van Java as one of the major cities in Indonesia is a potential tourist destination. The weather is relatively cool compared to else big cities in Indonesia. Bandung as the capital of West Java province is not as beautiful as it was before. Many buildings are not well-organized. But still, Bandung was fascinating. Many foreign and domestic tourists come to visit Bandung. Just for pleasure, sightseeing or shopping. For those who do not have a permanent home in Bandung would be staying at the hotel. What are the name of the hotels and where is it take place, please read the list of hotels in Bandung follows:

Belajar Dari Sahabat di Blogger

Posted by Dwi Puspita Anggraeni | | | 2 comments »

Pagi buta dah dapet tambahan ilmu dari mas Adhani Kusuma, kenalan baru di blogger. Jadi pusing soal blogging. Ternyata jadi blogger itu susah apalagi belajar SEO. Kerja bolak-balik, bongkar sana-sini. Atas usulan beliau pula-lah daku putuskan untuk migrasi dari domain www.arcava.co.cc kembali ke arcava.blogspot.com. Banyak masalah dengan .co.cc. Sebenernya sayang juga, gerilya-ku tiga malam sebar domain .co.cc ke sesama blogger jadi sia-sia. Tapi gak papa lah, yang penting ilmuku dah nambah lagi. Kompensasi yang sepadan. Tetep semangat lah, tapi sekarang mau tidur dulu, sakit kepala gara-gara belajar SEO, baru blogging dua minggu dah almost tepar, bolos kuliah, ngejar postingan, silaturahmi ke blog temen-temen, belajar macem-macem widget, dofollow, nofollow aaahh.... Mari istirahat sejenak..

ShoeMoney : SEO Free Training

Posted by Dwi Puspita Anggraeni | | | 0 comments »

Free training from Jeremy "ShoeMoney" Schoemaker. You just need to signing up for 12 week course to Internet success. Over the next 12 weeks you will receive alot of information - some of the guides will teach you more about the industry in general while other chapters will show you step-by-step how to build a site, drive traffic or optimize your site for higher search engine rankings. The course will be delivered to you via PDF files.

Free Backlink

Posted by Dwi Puspita Anggraeni | | | 40 comments »

Menurut Juniorku di Unila tapi seniorku d Blogger "BambangOke", backlink dapat digunakan untuk membantu akselerasi PageRank suatu Blog. Link ini dapat diletakkan di sidebar ataupun dalam postingan. Lalu apakah berbeda antara link pada sidebar dengan link pada sebuah postingan? Jawabannya adalah sama. Google akan tetap memperhitungkan ini sebagai sebuah backlink walaupun dalam postingan. Jadi jangan takut ini tidak terindeks oleh google.

Kenapa harus bertukar Link ?

On all Blogger’s mind there will be just one question, How to drive traffic to our blog?
We need to have quality content and backlinks to drive traffic to our blog and occupy first place on google search engines. First one Quality content is in hands of the admin who writes the post. he need to put the main keywords for the article in the post. But for the second one, the author can’t just submit each and every post to bookmarking sites. Its very time consuming. But It’s a very effective way of driving traffic to our blog. We need a widget for blogger so that visitors/readers can submit our article to bookmarking sites.

Tourism Object In Pandeglang

Posted by Dwi Puspita Anggraeni | | | 5 comments »

Relaxation is necessary for each person. There are several options for you how to relax. One of them is to visit the beauty in Pandeglang Carita Beach. This includes sand beaches of the exotic with white sand. This beach has a forest on the back. The merit of this beach is the shape and state of pristine beaches.

It has a beautiful beach no less than other beaches in Indonesia. This Pandeglang carita beach is 45 km from the capital Pandeglang district. In order to enliven the event "Know and Go Tours in Pandeglang Object" Pandeglang provincial government has started to fix the tourist objects in Pandeglang district.

Flannel Art - Felt Cloth

Posted by Dwi Puspita Anggraeni | | | 4 comments »

We can make beautiful handicrafts from flannel or felt cloth. The cloth price is quite cheap and easily obtained. How to make a very simple one.

Clay Art

Posted by Dwi Puspita Anggraeni | | | 1 comments »

Clay is basically made from a kind of soil . However, we can make crafts from clay that made from cake flour. Of course it get cleaner and more beautiful...

Komposisi Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu II :


  1. Menko Politik Hukum dan Keamanan : Marsekal (Purn) Djoko Suyanto
  2. Menko Perekonomian : Hatta Rajasa
  3. Menko Kesra : R Agung Laksono
  4. Sekretaris Negara : Sudi Silalahi

Quilling Art

Posted by Dwi Puspita Anggraeni | | | 4 comments »

Quilling or paper filigree is the art of rolling thin strips of paper into different shapes and using the shapes to form designs. Quilling has been around since the Renaissance age, but I was only recently introduced to it. It is fun and easy and I find it to be pretty relaxing. I hope this introduction to Quilling will spark an interest, and start you imagination flowing.

Video UFO at Blok M Jakarta 2009

Posted by Dwi Puspita Anggraeni | | | 1 comments »

Video UFO Flying at Blok M Jakarta is a strange enough phenomenon. Object photographed by a passing citizen in the area, Portrait UFO flying above floating apartment being studied astronomical observer LAPAN (Institute of Aeronautics and Space). Photo UFO flying in Blok M Jakarta, a strange flying object or Unidentified flying objects (UFO) hovering over an apartment in Jalan Pakubuwono or near Blok M, South Jakarta, a few days ago.

Although the emergence of an unknown object is still a debate. Many people say the story Flying saucer / UFO is an illusion and not true. While others admit this is real, regardless of the pro-cons in the appearance of UFO yanga and objects other space like a meteor fall. Another appeal was not due to natural phenomena and natural disasters had brought.

Continue from previous posting about free template for blogspot, you may download it and use it but dont change footer link for appreciation to the creator :)

I derived this template from Klodian. You can download this file and publish for comersial or non comersial purpose. But don't change footer link's on this template in order to appreciate them who have share this nice template freely. Enjoy this..

Ziddu.com is a Free Unlimited File Hosting which gives a commission to their members if their videos, photos or documents are downloaded by others. Why does ziddu.com pay their members? and where does ziddu.com get the budget or money to pay them?
Well, it is very simple to answer you know and here is why????

Add Site Meter, Statistic Blogger

Posted by Dwi Puspita Anggraeni | | | 3 comments »

To get the tool (site meter), you can look for it in internet. And don't worry about money because many sites provide this service for free of charge, one of them is http://www.sitemeter.com.

By using the tool from this site, hence you as blog owner will know how many do totalizing the visitor which have paid a visit to your blog, where from they come, what is from search engine or not, with what keyword do they pay a visit, and also still many other function.

If you often chatting with yahoo! messenger, possibly you will familiar with emoticons such as :                  
How to adding Yahoo Emoticons to your post? there is very easy. You just add the codes to your post, what you want to put. However when you post an article, you must choose edit html tab tab, don't at compose tab tab. This is the codes :

gif" width="18" height="18" border="0">

If you are looking for a hack to add a "Read more..." option to your blog then stop searching for the old hacks. Blogger has now officially announced the "Read more >>" option for us, the bloggers.

Now you don't have to add any separate hack in your template.  What you have to do is enable some options in your blogger settings and you are ready to have the "read more" feature.

Thinking what are the options you have to enable... Well, here it is...

How to install a Blogger Template

Posted by Dwi Puspita Anggraeni | | | 0 comments »

  1. Click in Download button and save file in PC [hard drive].
  2. File that you have downloaded is .ZIP file so need to be extracted. Extract / Unzip it.
  3. Log in Blogger dashboard
  4. Click Layout link in dashboard panel.
  5. Now click in Edit HTML link in tab bar.
  6. Click Browse button and look for folder that is created after extracted file that you have downloaded.
  7. Folder has a XML file and TXT file or Internet shortcut, you select only XML file.
  8. Click Upload button.
  9. Confirm and Save.
Source: http://www.deluxetemplates.net

This tutorial will help you to change easily your current template without deleting widgets.

  1. Create new blog. This is a test blog.
  2. Upload your new template to test blog. Help
  3. Go to Dashboard. Click to Layout of current blog (not new test blog) --> Edit HTML --> search for: <div id="sidebar"> copy all widget code between <div id="sidebar"> to </div>
  4. Now Go again to Dashboard. Click Layout (at new test blog) --> edit HTML --> search for <div id="sidebar"> --> paste all widget code that you have copied. Put it between <div id="sidebar"> to </div>
  5. Save
  6. Download and save full template of test blog
  7. Upload to your current blog layout, and you get new layout without deleting widge.
Source: http://www.deluxetemplates.net

Persyaratan Umum

Pemegang kartu paypal harus berusia minimal 18 tahun atau lebih dan mempunyai:

  1. Alamat e-mail = sebagai user account paypal anda nanti.
  2. Kartu kredit = Pengguna Paypal dari Indonesia saat ini baru dapat menggunakan kartu kredit untuk mengaktifkan/verified accountnya pertama kali, dan hanya kartu kredit dari bank tertentu yang diterima
  3. Untuk bisa withdraw dari paypal, anda harus mempunyai salah satu dari kartu kredit Visa, kartu debit Visa, atau prepaid card Visa.

Apa itu ziddu ?
Sebetulnya sudah banyak yang tahu mengenai situs yang satu ini, ini adalah salah satu situs yang memberikan layanan hosting file gratis. Jika Anda sering men-download file dari Internet pastinya Anda sekali - kali pernah mengunjungi situs ziddu.

Tapi apakah Anda tahu bahwa Anda bisa mendapat penghasilan tambahan dari situs ini?
pastinya sudah banyak yang tahu, tapi saya yakin banyak juga yang belum tahu.

Widget adalah mmm... apa yah... kira-kira kalau menurut definisiku sih: gadget atau fitur yang bisa ditambahkan ke blog kita. Biasanya kalau kita ganti template, otomatis widget yang belum didefinisikan di HTML template yang baru itu akan dianggap tidak compatoble, jadi dihapus. Nah, kalau ingin mempertahankan widget itu begini caranya:

  1. Buat blog baru sebagai bahan test.
  2. Upload template baru pada blog test tersebut (baca ini: Mengubah Template Blogger)
  3. Go to Dashboard, Setting-LayOut (pada blog lama, bukan blog test)-Edit HTML-cari: <div id="sidebar"> dan copy semua widget yang ada diantara kode: <div id="sidebar"> hingga </div>
  4. Sekarang go to Dashboard, Setting-LayOut (pada blog test yang baru)-Edit HTML-cari: <div id="sidebar"> paste semua kode widget yang tadi sudah di copy. Letakkan di antara kode: <div id="sidebar"> hingga </div>
  5. Save
  6. Download  dan save full template dari blog test.
  7. Upload template dari blog test tadi ke blog asli kita dan hasilnya adalah blog kita telah berubah template tanpa kehilangan widget lama.
Semoga bermanfaat.

Mengubah Template Blogger

Posted by Dwi Puspita Anggraeni | | | 0 comments »

Fuiiih... dari kemarin sharian baru beres bongkar template. Gimana gak pusing, template dah sukses diubah, di-preview juga dah OK tapi setelah disave pas di view bneran malah masih template yang lama. Sibuk sendiri cari di mana letak kesalahannya, tanya kesana kemari akhirnya dapat jawaban. Kuncinya ada di ctrl+F5 di Mozillla :D

Cara ubahnya begini:

Satu komputer mau aktifin YM bersamaan? Bisa! Begini caranya:

  1. Akses START menu dari windows -> RUN -> ketik REGEDIT -> OK
  3. Klik kanan pada TEST dan lakukan -create a new DWORD-
  4. Rename menjadi PLURAL dan set valuenya menjadi 1.
Mudah kan?? Selamat mencoba :D

Tahu YM kan? YM atau Yahoo! Messenger adalah fasilitas dari Yahoo! yang memungkinkan penggunanya berkomunikasi secara real time satu sama lain (baca: fasilitas chat gitu lah). Lalu apa hubungannya dengan Blog? Pada umumnya blogger ingin menambahkan icon YM pada Blog-nya agar pengunjung dapat mengetahui statusnya, apakah online atau offline.

Ada 10 icon 'penampakan' icon YM yang dapat dipilih untuk diattach pada blog. Sbb (StyleID):

Beberapa poin utama meliputi:
  1. Keep update - Jangan mengecewakan pembaca 
  2. Tampilan yang 'berat' takkan menyenangkan bagi siapa pun
  3. Hindari personal attacks
  4. Hindari pemilihan ejaan yang menyulitkan
  5. Buat format tampilan dengan cerdas-Kebanyakan orang hanya melakukan scanning, bukan membaca detail

Meskipun Anda telah sukses terdaftar dan melakukan pengaturan (set-up) blog, Anda mungkin bertanya-tanya mengapa Alamat Web Anda tidak bisa ditemukan melalui mesin pencari seperti Yahoo dan Google. Di sini saya akan membimbing Anda bagaimana membuat blog Anda searchable di Google dan Yahoo.

Google dan Yahoo telah merancang dan menawarkan alat untuk membantu pencarian dan mempromosikan blog Anda. Kedua mesin pencarian ini mampu menjelajahi dan meng-indeks judul blog, isi atau bahkan gambar blog Anda. Ini akan meningkatkan traffic ke blog Anda dan menghubungkan blog Anda dengan pengunjung Anda.

Banyak komentar dan pertanyaan seputar “Mengapa blog-ku tidak masuk index or searchable di Google?”. Coba deh cara ini, InsyaAllah masalah itu terpecahkan. Ini jurus SEO paling dasar yang ku tahu (Newbie nih :D)
  1. Masuk ke Dashboard -> Layout -> Edit HTML
  2. Lakukan back-up template asli biar klo terjadi accident di script bisa dengan mudah dibalikin ke default.
  3. Centang di box Expand Template Widget

Techie Blogger