Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

How to Count Ovulation Period

Posted by Dwi Puspita Anggraeni | | , , | 0 comments »

Since I got maried, I so excited about woman ovulation period. It's simple cause my husband and I have plan for having children asap :) I googling many source about ovulation and how to predict safe and unsafe periods and plan intimate life. Let me quote description about What is ovulation?
Ovulation is a phase that occurs in a female's menstrual cycle. Though ovulation encompasses many different aspects, in general, when a female is said to be ovulating, this indicates the process that ultimately infers the stage in which a female is most able to conceive.
The menstrual cycle is the scientific term for the physiological changes that can occur in fertile women for the purposes of sexual reproduction and fertilization. This article focuses on the human menstrual cycle, a "monthly" cycle that takes approximately 28 days to complete. Menstrual cycles are counted from the first day of menstrual bleeding.

Simply it can be explain that ovulation period happen on 14th, 15th, 16th day after woman first day of menstrual cycle. So if we want to have pregnant do more intense "process" and make sure that both us on prime health.

There's so many software that can help us to predict the perfect time for having sex so we can get zygot or babies candidate :) I tried Femta Ovulation Calendar. I get details of my period. This software even can predict the good time for having sex if we want baby boy or girl. It also show the data on graphic so we can easily understand. Just try, and you'll feel like having private gynecologist. :)

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I remember when I was studied at primary school, how difficult to finish the task, especially math. It becomes more difficult when my parents also could not help because the lessons are still new for them and quite difficult. But this time along with the development of technology, learning is no longer limited space and time. Anybody can learn anything from anywhwere, anytime just by connect to internet.

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